Vroom Vroooooom

My scooter.

Where do I start?

I love her and I love riding her to work. I don’t love people that drive too close to me, but I love that they cannot mistake me flipping them off and giving them dirt over the shoulder looks.

I love that she’s black and that my helmet is blue. I love that I’m going to get 120 MPG and my tank holds 1.3 gallons.

I love that insurance is super cheap for it.

I wish I could listen to music, but it’s better that I don’t.

Enough about my scooter though. Back to real life.

I’m absolutely struggling to write my Maid of Honor speech. I have started and scrapped every idea I’ve had. It’s go time. I need something. I don’t think my BFF would appreciate it me winging it either. Argh!

I only work two days this week and then it’s off to California. We’re driving. So basically I will be in town long enough for the rehearsal dinner and wedding. Oh well, it is what it is. One of these days I will be able to take a real vacation.

I got new earrings! Pretty silver and mother of pearl plugs. First new “permanent” jewelry I’ve had since 2010.




I’m home from California! My goodness, what a vacation. I got to see all the people I love. Go to amazing parties. AND to top it all off, I drove home a new car. Well, new to me. Newer than Ava (1987 300SDL MB.)


I have no pictures, because I don’t have a camera, and my ipod doesn’t like to charge ever since it’s swim in the ocean. Sorry! 😦

The new car which I’m currently referring to as “Pearl” is a 1994 325i BMW. My Father got a killer deal on it. And yeah, turns out I’m spoiled sometimes.

I will take some pictures just as soon as I recover my iPod from under the couch (there’s spiders down there so I’ve been putting it off) and get them up here.

I hope everyone’s having a great summer so far!



Longest Week Ever!

Good god, this has been a loooong week. This week I’ve:

  1. Driven to and from Redding, California. That’s 640 mi. +/-
  2. Broke down in Redding. Oh fun!
  3. Started my Ketosis diet. Think induction phase of Atkins.
  4. Started crocheting again. Hopefully I will have enough goodies by winter to sell at a craft show.
  5. Worked on my car and fixed ABSOLUTELY nothing. That was a disappointing day.

So there you have it. That’s my week in a nut shell. The drive to Redding was absolutely miserable. I’m never leaving the Willamette Valley again by driving, fuck that, fuck getting stuck anywhere, let alone the surface of the sun.

I’ve lost 4 lbs so far on Keto. I realize I should only weigh myself once a week on the same day but I couldn’t help it. I NEEDED TO SEE RESULTS. And I did.  I’m happy.

Onto Crocheting! I’m making hoodie/scarf things.. or at least I’m working on one at the moment. This one (instagram) is for.. UofO or Oakland A’s, or Green Bay Packers.. You see, I figure there’s a large market so if I push them as team colors instead of just “Green and Yellow!” I might have some luck making some $$$.

It finally cooled off down into the lovely mid-high 70’s here so I’m cleaning and having a fantastic day.
